Advanced Landscape Design Course


A Course For Professionals

This course picks up where the Permaculture Design Course leaves off. It is a design intensive course led by practicing landscape architects, focusing on the application of the design principles on a professional project. We cover the design process in detail; how it is evolving as it relates to permaculture and other site design methodologies, as well as how to perform effective fact finding, conduct a client interview, and how to put a set of construction documents together. We touch on the history and theory of landscape architecture, effective graphic communication, presentation graphics, professional practice and how to prepare and deliver public design presentations. This is a graduate level lab-style course, and participants complete a full design on a site of their choosing by the end of the course.

A PDC certificate is required to enroll; if you haven’t taken a PDC but feel you have equivalent experience, you are welcome to share that with us for review.

  • Evening Kickoff
    Design Examples
    Site Visit
    Client Interview
    Theory of Landscape Architecture
    Site Analysis
    Pattern Languages

  • Desk Critique of Design Drawings
    Scope of Service
    Preliminary Design Defense
    Prepare In-Progress Presentations

  • Regenerative Design and Development
    Invisible Structures
    Design and Graphic Feedback
    Contracts and Insurance
    Professional Practice
    Cost Estimating
    Building Codes

  • Presentations, critique, and feedback


Tuition Levels

  • $1200 (Benefactor)

    This level is for those with the capacity and resources to support others in taking the course at a reduced cost. Other increased amounts are also welcome!

  • $950 (True Cost)

    This level reflects the true cost of the course; this includes a living wage for all instructors, access to sites and materials, and high-quality meals each course day.

  • $700 (Subsidized)

    This level represents a significant contribution towards the true cost of the course. Fundraising efforts and Benefactor tuitions cover the remaining amount.

One-time or six-month payment options are available

If you are interested in taking the ALDC but don’t have the financial resources to do so, we offer scholarships to applicants from historically marginalized populations.  Apply for a scholarship here.

So…Why Different Tuition Levels?

The Third Ethic of Permaculture - Fair Share, or Reinvest the Surplus

We recognize that everyone comes to our course from a unique personal and financial situation, and we want as many people to join us as possible. In order to balance accessibility with fair pay and a well-resourced experience, we invite you to pay according to your ability, conscience, and position. Pay what feels right and good to you!

Consider paying less if you:

  • are a person who experiences discrimination and/or violence related to systematic oppression

  • have medical expenses, been denied work, or experience discrimination related to ableism

  • are eligible for public assistance

  • have immigration-related expenses

  • are a sex worker who experiences occupational discrimination (personal or legislative)

  • are an unpaid community organizer

  • are a returning citizen who has been denied work due to incarceration history

  • are supporting children or have other dependents

Consider paying more if you:

  • own the home you live in

  • have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money

  • travel recreationally

  • have access to family money and resources in times of need

  • work part time by choice

  • have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education, gender privilege, racial privilege, class background, etc. 

The list above is adapted from the sliding scale explanation from clothing company Black Borders.